Online Demo: is your one-stop source for receiving email, faxes and voice-mail messages using the web. If you have access to an internet connection and a web browser, you can stay connected with your office, your customers, and more from anywhere in the world.

You'll also have access to the latest business news headlines from the best news outlets on the web, including CNBC and Business Week. You can also access the weather forecast for any city on the planet.

The Mail service is broken into three areas. The first is the main homepage, where you will enter your username and password. You will then be taken automatically to your inbox.

Once you're logged in, you'll be presented with your Inbox, which will contain new messages. You can sort your mail into multiple folders, as well as keep your contacts in a handy address book. You also have control over the look and feel of your mailbox, including background and foreground colors.

You can compose a new email message from the Inbox screen, or view a new or existing message.

To view a message, simply click on the sender, and you will then view that message. Attachments are neatly displayed under the message, and can be viewed or listened to right in the browser, if your plug-ins are configured correctly. Attachments can also be saved for off-line use.

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